best apps for couples

10 Best Apps for Couples

Embarking on the journey of love in the digital age comes with its own set of perks, and the right apps can add an extra layer of joy to your relationship.

From shared calendars to intimate communication platforms, we’ve curated a list of the best apps for couples that seamlessly blend technology with the warmth of togetherness. Discover how these tools can enhance your connection and make every moment count.

10 Best Apps for Couples

There are several apps designed to enhance communication, intimacy, and organization for couples. Here’s a list of popular apps for couples.

Couple (formerly known as “Between”)

Description: Couple, now known as Between, provides a private space exclusively for two people in a relationship. It serves as a digital hub for couples to share special moments, messages, create joint to-do lists, and even collaborate on sketches.


  • Photo Sharing: Share your favorite photos and memories exclusively with your partner.
  • Messaging: A private messaging platform designed just for the couple, ensuring intimate communication.
  • Shared Lists: Collaborate on to-do lists, shopping lists, or any other joint tasks.
  • Sketching Together: Get creative and sketch together in real-time, adding a personal touch to your shared space.

How to Use:

  1. Download and install the Couple app (now Between) from the app store.
  2. Sign up with your partner to create a joint account.
  3. Start sharing photos, messages, and creating shared lists.
  4. Explore the sketching feature for a unique and creative way to connect.


Description: WhatsApp is a widely used messaging app that facilitates seamless communication through various mediums such as text, voice, and video calls. It’s a versatile platform that enables users to create private chat groups, share multimedia content, and stay connected in real-time.


  • Messaging: Send text messages and multimedia content to individuals or groups.
  • Voice and Video Calls: Make high-quality voice and video calls to stay connected.
  • Group Chats: Create private groups for family or couple communication.
  • Media Sharing: Share photos, videos, and documents with ease.

How to Use:

  1. Download and install WhatsApp from the app store.
  2. Create an account with your phone number.
  3. Add your partner’s contact and start messaging or calling.
  4. Create private chat groups for shared discussions and media sharing.

Google Calendar

Description: Google Calendar is a shared calendar app that helps couples coordinate their schedules and plan events together. It’s a practical tool for organizing and syncing important dates, appointments, and activities.


  • Shared Calendars: Create and share calendars to stay informed about each other’s schedules.
  • Event Creation: Easily add events, appointments, and special occasions.
  • Reminders: Set reminders for upcoming events to avoid missing important dates.
  • Syncing: Synchronize your calendars for seamless coordination.

How to Use:

  1. Download the Google Calendar app or access it through a web browser.
  2. Sign in with your Google account or create one.
  3. Create a shared calendar and invite your partner to collaborate.
  4. Add events, set reminders, and keep track of your shared schedule.


Description: Kindu is a fun and interactive app designed to help couples discover shared interests and activities. It suggests ideas, allowing both partners to choose activities they’re interested in, revealing matches that strengthen the bond.


  • Activity Suggestions: Receive suggestions for various activities and interests.
  • Matching System: Both partners select activities, and the app reveals matches.
  • Discovery: Explore new shared interests and hobbies.
  • Connection: Strengthen the relationship by engaging in activities together.

How to Use:

  1. Download and install Kindu from the app store.
  2. Sign up with your partner and create joint profiles.
  3. Receive activity suggestions and individually select interests.
  4. Explore matches and engage in activities to enhance your connection.

Lasting: Marriage Health

Description: Lasting is a relationship counseling app crafted to strengthen marriages through personalized sessions. Focused on improving communication, understanding, and intimacy, it offers short, daily sessions tailored to the unique dynamics of each couple.


  • Personalized Sessions: Receive counseling sessions customized to address specific relationship needs.
  • Daily Engagement: Engage in short, daily exercises to foster continuous improvement.
  • Communication Enhancement: Tools and resources to improve communication skills.
  • Intimacy Building: Sessions designed to deepen emotional and physical intimacy.

How to Use:

  1. Download and install the Lasting app from the app store.
  2. Sign up individually or with your partner.
  3. Complete the initial assessment to tailor the sessions to your relationship.
  4. Engage in daily sessions to strengthen your marriage.

Raft – Best Calendar App

Description: Raft is a shared calendar app designed exclusively for couples, providing tools to coordinate schedules, set reminders, and share to-do lists. It simplifies organizing joint activities, making it an ideal companion for couples managing their daily lives together.


  • Shared Calendar: Create and manage a shared calendar for joint scheduling.
  • Reminders: Set reminders for events, tasks, and important dates.
  • To-Do Lists: Collaborate on to-do lists for shared tasks.
  • Syncing: Synchronize schedules seamlessly for effective coordination.

How to Use:

  1. Download and install Raft – Best Calendar App from the app store.
  2. Create a joint calendar and invite your partner to join.
  3. Input events, set reminders, and maintain shared to-do lists.
  4. Enjoy organized and synchronized scheduling.

Love Nudge

Description: Love Nudge is an app based on the Five Love Languages concept, helping couples discover and understand each other’s love languages. It provides personalized suggestions to enhance communication and connection by focusing on the unique ways individuals express and receive love.


  • Love Language Assessment: Identify your primary love language and that of your partner.
  • Personalized Suggestions: Receive tailored suggestions to meet each other’s emotional needs.
  • Communication Tips: Learn effective communication strategies based on love languages.
  • Connection Building: Strengthen the bond by aligning actions with preferred love languages.

How to Use:

  1. Download and install Love Nudge from the app store.
  2. Take the Love Language assessment individually and share results with your partner.
  3. Receive personalized suggestions and tips to enhance your relationship.
  4. Implement recommended actions to strengthen your connection.

Teleparty (formerly Netflix Party)

Description: Teleparty, formerly known as Netflix Party, is a browser extension that allows couples to watch movies or series together in sync, regardless of physical location. It enables shared streaming experiences, complete with synchronized playback and a chat feature.


  • Synchronized Streaming: Watch movies or series simultaneously with your partner.
  • Chat Functionality: Engage in real-time conversations while watching.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Compatible with various streaming services.
  • Virtual Movie Nights: Enjoy shared movie experiences, even when physically apart.

How to Use:

  1. Install the Teleparty browser extension from the official website.
  2. Launch the extension while streaming content on supported platforms.
  3. Create a virtual party and share the link with your partner.
  4. Enjoy synchronized movie or series watching together.

Happy Couple

Description: Happy Couple is a quiz app designed to deepen intimacy by prompting couples to answer questions about each other. It encourages communication, understanding, and connection by providing a playful platform for partners to learn more about each other’s preferences.


  • Daily Questions: Receive daily prompts to answer about your partner.
  • Points System: Earn points for accurate answers and deepen your connection.
  • Playful Interaction: Engage in a lighthearted way to spark conversation.
  • Relationship Insights: Gain insights into each other’s preferences and personalities.

How to Use:

  1. Download and install Happy Couple from the app store.
  2. Sign up with your partner and connect your profiles.
  3. Answer daily questions and earn points for accurate responses.
  4. Use the app as a fun and interactive way to learn more about each other.

Couple Game: Relationship Quiz

Description: Couple Game is a quiz app offering various quizzes to test and strengthen knowledge about each other. It provides a playful platform for couples to spark conversation, deepen connection, and learn more about their partner’s preferences.


  • Diverse Quizzes: Explore a variety of quizzes covering different aspects of the relationship.
  • Challenge Levels: Adjust the difficulty level of quizzes based on your preference.
  • Conversation Starters: Use quiz results as conversation starters for deeper connection.
  • Knowledge Building: Enhance your understanding of each other through interactive quizzes.

How to Use:

  1. Download and install Couple Game from the app store.
  2. Sign up individually or with your partner.
  3. Explore and select quizzes based on your interests.
  4. Use quiz results to spark conversation and strengthen your connection.

So, whether you’re navigating long-distance challenges or simply looking to strengthen your bond, these apps are designed to bring you closer.

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Embrace the convenience, the fun, and the intimacy they offer, because in the realm of love, a little digital assistance can go a long way. Cheers to enhancing your shared journey through the power of technology!

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