
9+ Best Blogging Platforms (Start to Blog)

In today’s digital age, blogging has become an increasingly popular medium for expressing opinions, sharing knowledge, and monetizing content.

Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting on your writing journey, choosing the right platform to host your blog is crucial.

After all, it will determine not only the appearance and functionality of your site but also its potential for growth and success.

First, let’s understand what a blogging Platform is.

A blogging platform is essentially a software or service allowing individuals to create and manage their blogs easily. It provides various tools and features to make publishing content seamless and enjoyable. From beginner-friendly platforms with user-friendly interfaces to advanced options catering to tech-savvy bloggers seeking customization options, numerous choices are available in the market.

But how do you choose the perfect one? That’s where this article comes in.

We’ve compiled a list of 15 best blogging platforms, as discussed here by the team at, to help you reach your goals as effectively as possible.

So sit back, relax, and let us guide you through these different platforms so you can decide which one suits your needs best.

Blogging Platforms Review The Powerhouse of Self-Hosted Blogging is the name that instantly springs to mind when it comes to blogging platforms. It has been around since 2003 and has become the most popular choice for bloggers worldwide.

One of the main advantages of using is its self-hosted nature, which means you have complete control over your website.

With, customization options are virtually endless.

You can choose from thousands of themes and plugins to modify the look and functionality of your blog. From sleek minimalistic designs to complex e-commerce integrations, there’s a solution for every need.

This platform also provides access to the underlying code, allowing those with coding knowledge to tailor their blog further.

Scalability is another key feature that sets WordPress apart. As your blog grows in size or traffic, you won’t face limitations with WordPress as long as you have a reliable hosting provider. This platform can handle it all, whether starting small or aiming for global visibility.

However, it’s worth noting that setting up a self-hosted WordPress site requires technical expertise and additional costs beyond just domain registration and hosting fees. But if you’re serious about blogging and crave full control over your website’s design and functionality – then embracing the power of self-hosted WordPress may be exactly what you need.


  1. Flexibility: WordPress is highly customizable with a vast array of themes and plugins, allowing users to create diverse websites.
  2. Community Support: It has a large and active community, making it easy to find resources, tutorials, and assistance.
  3. SEO Capabilities: WordPress is known for its SEO-friendly structure, aiding in better search engine rankings.


  1. Security Concerns: Due to its popularity, WordPress can be a target for security threats. Regular updates and security measures are crucial.
  2. Learning Curve: For beginners, many options may lead to a steeper learning curve than simpler platforms.
  3. Performance: Extensive use of plugins can sometimes affect site performance, necessitating optimization efforts.

Recommended for

Bloggers who want total creative freedom, advanced customization options, and scalability potential. Google’s Free Hosting Solution
Image Source:

When it comes to free blogging platforms, reigns supreme. Owned by Google, this platform offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for beginners to start their blogs. One of the major advantages of using Blogger is its seamless integration with other popular Google services like AdSense, Analytics, and YouTube.

Setting up a blog on Blogger requires minimal effort and technical know-how. The platform provides an intuitive step-by-step process to get your blog up and running within minutes. You can choose from various customizable templates or even design your own if you have coding skills. Additionally, Blogger allows users to use custom blog domains, giving them more control over their branding.

Another notable feature of Blogger is its robust SEO capabilities. As Google owns the platform, it naturally prioritizes blogs hosted on Blogger in search engine rankings. This means that potential readers will more likely discover your content.

While there are numerous advantages to using as your blogging platform—such as its affordability (free), reliable hosting infrastructure provided by Google, and ease of use—it does have some limitations compared to paid hosting solutions or more advanced CMS platforms. For instance, the customization options might be limited compared to other platforms like or Squarespace.

Nevertheless, if you’re new to blogging and want a straightforward solution without any expenses, choosing could be an excellent option.

Medium – A Unique Publishing Network
Image Source: Medium

One of the most distinctive features of Medium is its publishing network concept. Unlike traditional blogging platforms, Medium acts as a centralized platform where writers can publish their content and reach a wider audience within the community. This unique aspect sets it apart from other platforms.

By leveraging this concept, writers can gain exposure and build a following among like-minded individuals actively seeking quality content. As users engage with your articles by clapping (similar to ‘liking’) and leaving comments, your work has the potential to be recommended to new readers through Medium’s algorithm-driven distribution system.

Additionally, Medium offers publications that function as curated collections of articles around specific themes or topics. These publications often have large followings and attract readers interested in those subjects. By submitting your work to relevant publications, you can increase visibility and establish yourself as an authority within that niche.

Medium could be an excellent choice if you’re looking for a blogging platform that provides built-in networking opportunities and exposes your writing to a broader audience with similar interests. It helps boost your credibility and fosters engagement with readers looking for thought-provoking content in various domains. – An All-in-One Website Builder with Blogging Functionality
Image Source: Wix

Regarding user-friendly website builders, Wix is a popular choice that offers a comprehensive solution for blogging and creating stunning websites. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, even beginners can easily customize their blogs without coding knowledge.

One of the standout features of Wix is its extensive collection of professionally designed templates. Whether you’re starting a fashion blog or launching an e-commerce site alongside your blog, Wix has hundreds of visually appealing templates. Each template can be fully customized to match your brand’s look and feel, giving you complete control over the design aspects.

In addition to its easy-to-use editor, Wix provides powerful automated blogging tools. You can schedule posts in advance, manage comments on your blog articles, and integrate social media sharing buttons effortlessly. The platform also supports SEO optimization by allowing you to add meta tags and descriptions for each post.

Overall, Wix combines the simplicity of a website builder with the functionality needed for successful blogging. Its intuitive interface and numerous customization options make it an excellent choice for bloggers looking to create visually impressive blogs without getting overwhelmed by technical details.

Squarespace: Polished Design Templates and Easy-to-Use Interface
Image Source: Squarespace

When it comes to polished design templates, Squarespace is a standout option. With its clean and modern aesthetic, Squarespace offers a range of stunning templates that cater to various niches. Whether you’re running a fashion blog or starting an online store, Squarespace has beautifully designed themes that can elevate the visual appeal of your website.

One of the key advantages of using Squarespace as your blogging platform is its intuitive interface. Designed with non-tech-savvy users in mind, Squarespace makes it incredibly easy to create and manage your blog without any coding knowledge. Its drag-and-drop editor allows you to customize layouts, add content blocks effortlessly, and preview changes in real time.

Additionally, Squarespace offers many built-in features such as social media integration, SEO tools, analytics tracking, and more. These handy features make it user-friendly for beginners while still offering enough flexibility for experienced bloggers looking to have more control over their site’s design.

If you’re seeking a blogging platform that combines striking aesthetics with ease of use for non-tech-savvy individuals, then Squarespace might be the ideal choice. The platform allows you to create visually appealing blogs without extensive web development skills while maintaining a professional look and feel throughout your site.

Weebly: Easy-to-Use Website Editor with E-commerce Capabilities
Image Source: Weebly

Weebly is a popular and user-friendly blogging platform that offers a simple, drag-and-drop website editor. It allows users to create and customize their blogs with its intuitive interface effortlessly. With Weebly, you don’t need any coding or design skills to have an attractive and functional blog.

One of the standout features of Weebly is its e-commerce capabilities. If you’re looking to turn your blog into an online store or monetize it through product sales, Weebly makes this process seamless. You can easily add products, manage inventory, set up payment gateways, and even track customer orders all within the platform.

Whether you want to sell physical products, digital downloads, services, or subscriptions, Weebly provides everything you need to run your successful online business alongside your blog content. With built-in marketing tools like email campaigns and SEO optimization features available, Weebly ensures you have all the tools necessary for promoting your brand effectively on both fronts – blogging and selling products.

Ghost: minimalist and open-source blogging platform
Image Source: Ghost

Ghost has gained popularity among bloggers for its clean design and focus on writing. Unlike other platforms that try to be all-in-one website builders, Ghost remains dedicated to its specialty: blogging. This focus allows it to provide a fast and seamless writing experience for bloggers.

One of the main advantages of Ghost is its fast performance. The platform is known for being lightweight and efficient, which results in quick loading times for your blog posts. This improves the user experience and helps with search engine optimization (SEO) by ensuring your content gets indexed quickly.

In addition, Ghost offers specialized features specifically designed for bloggers. It provides an intuitive editor with Markdown support, making it easy to format and style your content without needing knowledge of HTML or CSS. The platform also supports multiple-author collaboration, allowing you to work on blog posts with colleagues or guest writers seamlessly.

With its minimalistic approach and emphasis on writing, Ghost is an excellent choice for those who prioritize simplicity and performance in their blogging experience. Whether you are a professional blogger or just starting, this platform can provide the necessary tools to create a beautiful and functional blog.

Joomla: A Versatile Content Management System with Blogging Capabilities
Image Source: Joomla

Regarding content management systems, Joomla is a highly versatile option offering much more than blogging capabilities. While primarily known for its robust website-building functions, Joomla provides a solid platform for bloggers.

One of the key advantages of using Joomla for blogging is its flexibility and customizability. With its extensive range of templates and extensions, you can create a unique and professional-looking blog that suits your specific preferences. Joomla covers whether you need advanced features like user registration, comment moderation, or social media integration.

In addition to this flexibility, Joomla excels in its organization and management tools. You can easily categorize your blog posts into different sections or categories, making it easier for readers to navigate through your content. The built-in navigation menus let you structure your blog effectively and enhance the user experience.

While other specialized blogging platforms are available, Joomla could be an excellent choice if you’re looking for a multifunctional content management system that offers powerful blogging capabilities alongside other website functionalities such as e-commerce or community portals. Its versatility allows you to grow your blog efficiently while providing room for expansion into various online ventures.

Tumblr: A World of Microblogging and Community Discovery
Image Source: Tumblr

Regarding blogging platforms, Tumblr stands out with its unique microblogging format. This platform allows users to create short-form blog posts containing text, photos, quotes, links, audio clips, and videos. Its simple yet versatile interface makes it perfect for sharing quick updates or showcasing multimedia content.

One of the standout features of Tumblr is its vibrant, community-driven aspect. Users can easily discover new content by following other blogs that align with their interests or by exploring trending tags from across the platform. With millions of bloggers covering various topics, Tumblr fosters a sense of community and encourages discussions among users who share similar passions.

Whether you’re seeking inspiration for your blog or simply looking to connect with like-minded individuals who share your hobbies or interests, tumbling down the rabbit hole on Tumblr can be an exhilarating experience. So, if you’re looking for a dynamic microblogging platform that values creativity and connection within a bustling online community, try Tumblr!

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